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A Prayer Today

I’m supposed to be editing a client’s gallery today. It’s a family I adore and their kids are just beautiful. I keep trying but get pulled in every direction on the internet. Focus. Focus. Their gallery is past due and I hate when that happens. Focus. Finish.

Yet I’m here on my computer writing a blog post. My mind is so many places other than here with me today and by the time I finish the post it will probably ventured into another subject. I’ve spent the morning praying about so many decisions. My heart aches for my husband who is going through his own journey of rediscovering his self. I have also been dealing with some issues from my past. I understand that forgiveness is something you must give to heal but it’s a hard mountain to climb. Then my mind bounces back to portrait photography and wanting to keep one foot in it however to build a strong foundation one foot in and one foot out just doesn’t work.

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A morning text from a dear friend. Tiggers in the house today!

Days like today make real work impossible. I haven’t missed any meds. I’ve been eating well and working out. I had a calm morning (somewhat if you count moving everything from your attic to the garage calm) and got some house chores caught up. Yet my mind is not like normal days. It’s racing but my body is not. So I stop and pray.


Purple | 2015 | ©

Dear God, 

Please give me the strength of a flower blooming in the morning. Help me see that I am that flower as it is part of you and I am part of you. Just like the flower, resilient in life and sure of it’s purpose,  remind me of my purpose. Remind me of the comfort and strength I have to give and continue to help me share my gifts with those around me. I find comfort in you knowing you are always with me and if I need strength, hope, love…it’s all there waiting to be harnessed and given out into the world. I continue to ask for strength to be the rock my family needs.  I continue to hope that you will shine your light bright and guide us on the path meant to fulfill out purpose. 



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