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2020 Was A Good Year

So as 2020 comes to a close I find it really impossible to complain about the year and maybe that sounds wrong as so many were displaced by tornados and a bomb, people lost their jobs and struggled to make ends meet and loved ones were lost and forever affected by COVID-19. Honestly though I feel like I had my shares of dark and hard years filled with many losses. 2015 was my 2020. So as everyone starts to post their recaps of the year I really do believe this was one of the best years and most successful of my life so far. Crazy I know. I’m a lucky one I guess or maybe those years wondering in the desert taught me how to take the lemons and make lemonade. Or by learning to harness the pain I learned how to take any difficult situation and harness it. Hmmm…

Monster (High Shelf Press)

I was published in two journals – a three page spread in High Shelf Press and the cover of Other Worldly Women. I became a true realtor when I closed deals on four properties in my first year holding my real estate license. I gave my photography business a huge reboot and had a record fall mini session season. I took a leap into senior photography and am now registered for a six month course with Seniorolgie. I found even more peace in my life and feel like I’m being the best mom I can be. 

I kept a collage of accomplishments throughout the year in my Goodnotes app. One of them was to take the girls to Universal with one of my commissions and with the first one I did it!

However I admit I drifted a bit farther from my spirituality and health than I would like. I went into quarantine strong but towards the end I guess the weight and darkness of it caught up to me because I became consumed in work. So that has become something I’m going to be very mindful in the new year. Instead of complaining I’ve taken control. I realized not having a yoga space I loved was stopping me in many ways so I created my own this year and absolutely love everything about it. I booked a trip to Blue Spirit in to attend a Sacred Women’s retreat. I made a covenant with myself to not drink for 60 days. Yes it will be hard considering I’m a social person and many of my associations involve drinking but I have the power within, focus and a goal.

My home yoga studio. It’s filled with gifts from friends and family as well as my journals and and shakti mat that have helped me reconnect to my center. It has become a peaceful mid-day escape.

I don’t believe in New Years resolutions but instead being goal oriented and aware of what you specifically want in your life. I’ve finished planning my goals for the year and will create my vision board tomorrow. I use Goodnotes with a template from Ellagant Designs (on Etsy) to keep me organized. It’s always in my hands via phone or iPad.

It’s kinda crazy the year has come to an end when it doesn’t seem too far away that we were all clamoring for it to end and hating being stuck at home. To be honest I miss the quiet aisles at Target when I would go every Monday morning to escape. I miss having calm evenings with no activities to rush off to while cramming fast food down our throats. As 2021 stands at our doorstep we should welcome it with open arms. It does not escape me that 2021 will look just like 2020 for the next few months or maybe the entire year. Concerts will probably still be cancelled. Masks will continue to be in vogue. People will still give you dirty looks if you accidentally step into their space. There will probably be another shortage of something like ziplocks. We will still have too distant ourselves from our family and miss out on normal events that have been a part of our lives. However 2021 gives people hope again and with hope anything is possible which includes the end to this pandemic. 

Happy New Year to each and every one of you. May your 2021 be filled with more joy and love than you’ve ever known. May it bring to you success and great health.


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