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Chores Part II

So over here at the McNeal household we are trying to make some things a bit more “automated”. Why not try something new? The worst that could happen is I’ve wasted $2.99 right?

We are trying out Rooster Money Allowance Manager. The kids are all wrapped up in iPads and apps these days so why not embrace it. Our wall chore chart was working great but I really wanted my kitchen area to look a bit neater. You can view my original post about chores here.

Let me be honest – I’m slowly giving up on full time parenting, cooking, disciplining, keeping the dishwasher running, grocery shopping up to twice a week….I know ya feel me. I want consistent help around here because with everyone home the house never rests. I’m also a firm believer in teaching kids the value of money and work ethic – thanks dad. Like I’ve said before – no one wants to go to a job they don’t get paid at. They do have things they don’t get paid for like laundry and cleaning up after dinner.

REVIEW The girls can upload pics of the finished chore so I don’t even have to come check. I can approve it at any time. It will automatically deduct a percentage if they don’t do the chore and at the end of the week it gives me a statement so I know how much to pay. It also allows me to give them bonus money if they do an extra chore like clean out the fridge. This is encouraging! They are getting used to it but I am loving it. Also if I don’t have cash I can make a note and once I get cash I can check the app and know how much to pay.

I still have to pay the girls actual cash. At first J and I thought it would be cool to connect it to Venmo but kids still need to see actual cash and understand cash disappears. Money in the air on Venmo or credit cards or debit cards can just appear and disappear magically. So the app keeps up with spend, save, goals and give. I love the give part!! Then I thought how am I going to keep the money separate? Checked and balanced? Well old fashioned envelopes (thanks Budget Mom) with the label of give, spend and save. Each week on allowance day I sit with the girls ( 2-3 min) and go through envelopes to make sure it all balances out. Kids also can see what they spent their money on. App buying habit – they will see it. Wasting money on Squishies? As for goals they both set one and can track actually making it! Claire is working towards a pair of Healies and Julia a Leo necklace.

Kids are so connected to tech today and they connect to it naturally. I’m hoping this will empower them and learn that money can disappear pretty quickly and appreciate the power of hard work and commitment.

I hope you check it out and I can make your next 852 weeks easier.


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