Dave & Brandi
I’ve been a poet since I was young. I always found respite with a journal, pen and the four corners of my bedroom. I’ve always had my...
When My Bipolar Gets The Best of Me
It’s days like today that I’m reminded that Bipolar is a stronger beast than I give it credit for at times. A morning of sudden anxiety...
A Letter to Mary Jane
Dear Mary Jane, I wanted to take a minute to say thank you so much for being you. You are a blessing from God and I truly believe this....
God Speaks
“Relax, close your eyes, and pray for comfort. Give to Divine Mind your despair, your sadness, your hopelessness, your regret, your...
The Feel of Passion | Why I Left Portrait Photography
The smell of sweet honeysuckle dancing under your nose to announce the arrival of spring. The feeling of air under your toes as your...
22 Days of Mania
After weeks of depression I welcomed Mania today. Now how long Mania stays – who knows. I could wake up depressed again tomorrow but...
Letting Go
“In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.” – Deepak Chopra Letting go of...
Lying in the Hands of God
I can’t help but think God sent this song my way one day when I was asking for direction. Still a bit unstable on the ground I was...
Power of Prayer
Yesterday was bad. Really bad. Kicking walls with rage tears pouring out puffy eyes scared of people bad kind of day. Yesterday was a...
My 5 Points of Clarity
There is clarity in me today. I will become a stay at home mom. #homemaker That is exactly what I will be – a woman making our home the...